Sermon #581, Children Brought To Christ, Not To The Font

Sermon #581, Children Brought To Christ, Not To The Font

Delivered On Sunday Morning, July 24, 1864,
By The Rev. C. H. Spurgeon,
At The Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

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“And They Brought Young Children To Him, That He Should Touch Them And His Disciples Rebuked Those That Brought Them. But When Jesus Saw It, He Was Much Displeased And Said Unto Them, Suffer The Little Children To Come Unto Me And Forbid Them Not: For Of Such
Is The Kingdom Of God. Verily I Say Unto You, Whoever Shall Not Receive The Kingdom Of God As A Little Child, He Shall Not Enter It. And He Took Them Up In His Arms, Put His Hands Upon Them, And Blessed Them.”
Mark 10:13-16.